Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's Time for the Next Step!

It's almost September so let's get serious!

Step 2
Find a calendar.
If you are anything like me, you will want to organize your goals for the month. I have decided not to waste any of my days sitting around feeling sorry for myself. To make sure this plan gets put into action, I am going to write something on each date (such as an inspirational quote or a small to do list).

Try not to make your to do list too complicated if you're a busy person. Life will almost always try to get in the way of your goals and try to throw you off track. If you keep your goals simple (such as "get active for 20 minutes today" as apposed to "go for a 20 minute run") an unexpected meeting or family get together will not abolish your daily goal, it will simply challenge your creativity. For example, walk to your meeting or if that's not an option, park as far as possible from the building and walk from there. Take the stairs. As for your family get together, suggest a walk after dinner.

If you're not a very busy person and need more direction in your life (like me), you can put more specific goals or activities on your calendar for each day.

Here is my calendar for the month of September:

I am by no means an artist but I have taken the time to try and make my calendar as attractive as possible so I am more likely to get excited about the day. I put my overall monthly goals that I want to achieve at the top. That way they are always in view and I won't go off track. Each day has an activity to do that will contribute to achieving my goals. I also added a bit of motivation at the bottom to remind me to get up and do something!

Go ahead and try it yourself:)

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