Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The First Day of the Rest of Your Life!

My name is Jill and I turned 21 this month. I had a difficult year with zero motivation and lack of inspiration. I have been waiting for something great to happen to me all year but unfortunately I learnt the hard way that great opportunity and happiness does not always come to you, you have to look within and find it yourself. Finally, I've decided to take matters into my own hands and learn to inspire myself while hopefully inspiring others at the same time. 

Step 1
It's time to make a list of your short-term goals. Long-term goals are more likely to be put on the back burner for many months or even years. In order to make progress, you have to set small achievable goals in a shorter amount of time.

Here are some of my goals for September (you can steal them if you like):
- Find out who is hiring in my area and update my resume
- Get active everyday (walk, run, yoga)
- Dance my heart out to my favourite songs every morning
- Start waking up earlier (waking up at noon everyday tends to spoil your whole day)
- Go on a photography adventure
- MOST IMPORTANTLY: stop saying no and start saying yes! 

Positivity will change your life. Negativity will destroy it.

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