Monday, February 25, 2013

Ripped in 30- Day 7 (end of week 1!)

It's the end of the first week! If you've been following along with me, we did it! It's been a long 7 days and I worked out for 5 of them. That is, I used the video for 5 of them. I do various exercises everyday but nothing as challenging as the Jillian Michaels workouts on my lazy days!

For the 2nd week of Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30, I am going to attempt to work out the recommended  5-6 times a week with this video. I don't know what to expect and to be honest I'm a little nervous but we can do it! I think I am going to try one of her recipes this week so I can review it for everyone who is interested.

We are getting closer to our goal and the results are starting to appear. Don't get discouraged if you don't like what you see yet. You can't change your entire body in a mere 7 days, it takes time, effort, and patience. As much as I do expect results from 30 days of intense workouts, I also understand that it will be a life long commitment to stay in shape. Once these 30 days are over, you have the rest of your life to worry about. BUT take it one day at a time. For now, focus on these next 23 days and try your absolute hardest with every 20 minute workout so you won't have any regrets at the end of day 30. If you push yourself to your limit every time, there is no way you can feel disappointed with the outcome because you know you did your best, and if you aren't satisfied with your body yet, you get back out there and do another 30 day challenge and another until you reach your goal.

Tomorrow is the start of week 2 and I hope you're excited as I am!

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